Guidelight's half day Leadership Forum finished with smiles all round, both for host Peter Doyle ( pictured) and for our keynote presenter Alec Morgan (pictured in floppy hat below).
As a former Managing Director of a 200+ staff team, Alec shared with our Forum participants a frank and fearless discussion about how his focus on being centred and authentic has been buffeted by the winds of change and challenge in the past few years.
The learning and insights from his remarkable journey from Managing Director to Captain Of His Own Ship were profoundly challenging and worthy of the reputation our forum has earned for encouraging people to gain the best of themselves in their personal leadership journeys.
Into 2016 we will continue to host our regular Leadership Forum series, available for any interested person to attend who values developing their personal power and potential as a leader.
Leaders who attend our forums come from a range of different workplaces and community organisations.
Equally some of our participants attend as valued individuals without any specific connection to a workplace role at this point in their lives.
To ensure you receive our optional quarterly Leadership Forum Invitations and Agendas into 2016, please sign up for our free quarterly email newsletters.
Our newsletters will provide all the details if you choose to get involved with us in one, two, three or all four of our scheduled half day Leadership Forums during 2016.
We warmly encourage you to join us and step into your next level of potential."